Can Transparency Strengthen the Legitimacy of International Institutions? Evidence from the UN Security Council

Can transparency enhance the legitimacy of international institutions? As transparency has become a widely applied procedural standard in international politics, a range of institutions have implemented transparency reforms under the presumption that …

Mobilizing non-state actors for climate action through the global stocktake

Non-state actors play an essential role in the fabric of global climate governance. Here we propose four tailored strategies that non-state actors can mobilize to advance climate action among states and harness the potential of the global stocktake.

The Relative Effectiveness of Overlapping International Institutions: EU versus UN Regulations of Air Pollution

Which types of international institutions display higher ability to change states’ behavior? This article assesses the relative environmental effectiveness of a management-based (‘soft’) and an enforcement-based (‘hard’) international agreement: the …

Participation, ambition and compliance: can the Paris Agreement solve the effectiveness trilemma?

An effective climate agreement should simultaneously foster broad participation, high ambition, and sufficient compliance: this is the ‘effectiveness trilemma’. While the Paris Agreement has been acclaimed for spurring universal participation, its …

The domestic politics of international climate commitments: which factors explain cross-country variation in NDC ambition?

Under the Paris Agreement, parties self-determine their mitigation ambition level by submitting Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Extant assessments find that the collective ambition of current pledges is not line with the Agreement's goals …

Fairness conceptions and self-determined mitigation ambition under the Paris Agreement: Is there a relationship?

This paper investigates the empirical relationship between countries’ expressed concerns with fairness and the ambition levels in their pledged contributions (NDCs) to the Paris Agreement, asking the following questions: 1) Are the NDCs of countries …

Fairness in the climate negotiations: what explains variation in parties’ expressed conceptions?

How to differentiate efforts and obligations fairly between countries has been among the most central and controversial issues in climate negotiations. This article analyses countries’ fairness conceptions as expressed in position documents submitted …